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MiraLink provides integrated report support for generators and connected ATSs. Operational at a number of industrial sites to facilitate regulatory compliance, these reports provide both field technicians and other users an important view into equipment as well as aggregated, site-level data. Reports are available and downloadable from the Reports tab.

This topic includes information on:

  • Equipment Run Reports: With each engine run, an event is created to produce a report with event information and performance data. The reports can be found in the Report History and are a standard MiraLink offering.

  • NFPA Reports: The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) provides requirements for backup power so that when an outage occurs, vital services that impact health and safety are not disrupted. Emergency power infrastructure includes devices that switch from the electrical grid to a local source. The generator must fire up within ten seconds and it must be demonstrated monthly that the backup power equipment is in this readiness state and that ATSs (automatic transfer switches) perform as expected. These reports can be generated automatically in MiraLink.

  • Generator Run Reports: The Generator Run Report provides total run-time hours by run type and offers field technicians and other users an important view into asset and aggregated, site-level data. The report is also leveraged to facilitate compliance to state-level regulations, where applicable.

    Downloadable to a .CSV file, the report tracks asset run hours across three key categories: test (maintenance), outages, and for asset run or activation hours, the latter used in grid services applications. The report can be used at client installations where Air Quality Indices (AQIs) may limit test-maintenance Run Types. Fuel levels are also indicated.

Access an Equipment Run Report

With each engine run, an event is created to produce a report with event information and performance data. The executed event reports can be found in the Report History.

  1. Click in Map View to access Site equipment.

  2. Click equipment to load data.


Equipment Summary Listing

  1. Click the Report tab from the Live Equipment View.


Access Report Tab

  1. To view a report, click the download icon next to the file name in the Files column.


Report History

A delete button may be available to remove a report if a workflow requires. For example, if a report is triggered unnecessarily, an administrative user can remove it.

  1. The application downloads the report to your device. Open the file on your device, typically from the Downloads folder.


Sample Report (PDF)

Adjusting Page Entries

The Report function includes the ability to limit or expand the number of returns on the Reports page.

  1. Click into the Entry Count field.


Entry Count Drop-Down

  1. Select a preset value or select Custom.


Custom Number of Entries

  1. Type value and/or use the arrow buttons to adjust entry up to 300 records.

  2. Click Retrieve to refresh page.

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