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NFPA Report

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) provides requirements for backup power so that when an outage occurs, vital services that impact health and safety are not disrupted. Emergency power infrastructure includes devices that switch from the electrical grid to a local source. The generator must fire up within ten seconds and it must be demonstrated monthly that the backup power equipment is in this readiness state and that ATSs (automatic transfer switches) perform as expected. These reports can be generated automatically in MiraLink.

Generators are required to operate for a duration of at least 30 minutes while maintaining the minimum exhaust gas temperatures as recommended by the manufacturer. In addition, to pass a monthly test, the generator must perform within constraints for operating temperatures while maintaining 30 percent of the generator nameplate kW rating. Generator equipment values in the report include total power (kW), rated power, amps, oil pressure, and so on.

Automatic Transfer Switches (ATSs), which ensure that the switchover to backup power will occur, must be tested monthly. It must be demonstrated that intended circuits (for example, in a surgery room) receive power from the backup source. Controls, which allow an operator to control a power source to on or off remotely, may also be tested and included in reports to fulfill auditor requests. 

A log of connected ATSs, with their respective transfer and re-transfer times, as well as the time in seconds the asset became available are indicated in the report, which is downloadable to your device as a PDF. 


Sample NFPA Report

Please refer to the NFPA website for additional information on the NFPA 110 standard.

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