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Equipment Configuration and Alarm Setup

Be sure to jump to step 11 in order to view Alarm Configuration.

  1. Login as an Administrative User.

  2. Click the Settings icon in the upper right corner of the application and select Site and Equipment Configuration from the menu.


Site Equipment Configuration Menu

  1. Select a Site from the drop-down menu. This will enable the next button. Click to proceed.


Site and Equipment Wizard: Site Selection

  1. In screen 2, be sure the field entries for Name, Latitude, and Longitude, and TimeZone are accurate and complete.

The user may need to update the latitude and longitude if values are different than for the postal address. This often occurs for sites with multiple assets—such as a large campus—or when equipment is subject to rental.


Verifying or Changing Site Details (Screen 2)

  1. Click into the field if modifications are needed. Use the up/down arrows to adjust the Latitude/Longitude values by one degree. For incremental, fractional adjustments, type the new value over the decimal you are replacing.

Changing the name of the Site will require a Support ticket.


Modifications to Site Details

  1. Click next when ready to proceed to the equipment types.

  2. Toggle the equipment types to be displayed on the site summary screen. Click next when ready to submit these choices.


Select Equipment Types

Other equipment types, such as for ATS, would also render and be configurable on this page if applicable at your site.


Other Equipment Types

  1. Select the available data points to be displayed by individually clicking the equipment data name in the Available section, then use the right arrow to move to Selected.

  2. If all equipment data points needs to be selected/removed, use the multiple arrow button.


Selecting Available Data Points

  1. Once equipment data is selected, you can re-order the list as they appear in the Live View Summary page. Click an item and use the up and down arrows to adjust the order.


Promote Data Point for Display

  1. Click next when the list is ready to proceed to Alarm setup.


Proceed to Alarms

  1. The Alarm page will display all the equipment data.

  2. Click the Alarm toggle next to the equipment data value to enable those respective alarms.


Alarm Toggles

Alarm colors can be used to communicate urgency level.

  1. To adjust the On and Off color value, click the down arrow next to the box icon.

  1. Use the slide bar to select a color. The user can also enter the hex value if known.

  1. Click the Change button.

  2. Click next to configure the Equipment display order.


Re-ordering Equipment Types

  1. To change the Equipment display order, click an item and use the up or down arrow to adjust.

  2. Click save to complete the configuration.

At any time during configuration and before saving, you can move back to a previous step using the Previous button.

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